Friday, November 21, 2008


I am not feeling well again. But that doesn't really explain how it is that I feel. Let me try to explain. Chemo kind of sucks the life out of you. My mind, on Taxotere is totally intact. Thank God. I can still think, unlike when I was on A/C. I just feel like I have the flu and my spirit has been sucked from me. Like I am functioning at 30% of my true self. My fingers the past couple of days kindof got better. But yesterday and today they've gotten worse. Imagine, the center of your nail bed feeling like it was the only thing that was holding on, and the rest of the nail is lifting off the bed. It hurts to type.
Not that this is a gripe session, I am just explaining how it is to be me right now. Oh, and I have constant tears running down my face. My face is so chapped that I actually had someone ask me the other day if I had been hit in the face. On a positive note, I think this week is better than last week. But not sure yet. In just a few days, chemo will be again and then I will only have 4 left. I can't wait.

OH!!! I have officially lost all taste in my mouth. This is a huge one! There is a faint smell I can get from the back of my throat when I eat, but other than that no taste. I am hoping that by Thanksgiving my taste comes back.


Unknown said...

I love you

Tink1272 said...

Your taste will come back, once you are done with chemo. That, I think was one of the most disappointing thing to me. It was SO wonderful to be able to taste food again. I ate massively spicy or sweet food. It was the only thing I could truly taste (and then only slightly).

It'll be over soon. It will feel like a million years from now, but it will be. And you will feel like a new woman.