Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh, the joy of early mornings

The joy of not sleeping is fast approaching an annoyance level, that I would like to erase from my memory. I got an incredible massage yesterday from my friend out on Vashon yesterday. My Dad drove me, otherwise I couldn't have gone. My vision really becomes impaired with these treatments. Seriously, I need to get glasses to lay over my glasses, or contacts. That would be a site. My body responded heavenly to the massage for the first part of the day and then in the early evening, and still my lymph system is just not handling it very well. Even though she gave me a very soft massage, no DT at all, my freakin' checks, the checks on my face even are sore to the touch. Advil doesn't take away the pain at all. I thought it would be good to get a massage right after the chemo because my body was aching so desperately badly, but I think next time I will wait until I am feeling like Heather again. I have the post-steroid stock piling on various gross food combinations going on late last night and this morning. I am sipping some Peace Tea right now, trying to soothe my stomach before I put food in it again. The steroids are very very harsh on my system. My skin is a nice flushed red clolour for the entire time I'm on them, and I just eat a lot. I think I gained last chemo and this five pounds, and then loose it after Heather comes back. In the back of my mind, I worry about the weekly Taxol's and my body getting huge. If that happens, like my Dad said yesterday, and again, "its better than the alternative." And there isnt' anything I can do about it. WHen I have to eat, I mean, I have to eat. I have never in my life felt such a craving for anything.


tamara said...

I don't know a lot about it, but it doesn't seem like weight gain is a big 'overall' worry with chemo, is it? it seems to me that getting some calories in during the steroids is a good thing overall, given that you have such a hard time eating at other times? would love to hear what some other cancer babes have to say about this?

Anonymous said...

Yes, weight gain is part of chemo now a days.

Tink1272 said...

I had lots and lots of steroids. I ended up looking like a football player, but it did help me eat (I was famished all the time!). I was also bright pink most of the time, until later, then I was a lovely brownish color, like a faded tan.

Once chemo was over, I lost the steroid eight almost immediately. About 40 pounds worth. It took me less than a month. Don't worry about the steroids, if they continue to make you eat, it's worth it. I had weird food cravings, too, mostly sugar and spicy foods.

PS, I was overweight before chemo.