Saturday, August 23, 2008

Much Better

Overall chemo number two has been much better than number 1. The most annyoying thigs is staying up on the meds and not beign a superwoman. Because of this, I have felt way less sick. I have though totally lost my appetite except for moments of needing and I mean needing blackberry pie and hard boiled eggs, both of which D was willing to go and get or make for me with a moments notice. I can't see very well at att, and that is annyoying. Today my dad and I are going to pick me up a paoir of thos reader glassess so taht I can see better. WE are also, if nauseau permits going to drive over to vashon and get a massage for me. I can't wait. My other main complaint is thta every single long bone in my body including my tush bones ache severly. Really bad. I haven't been taking walkes to the beach this time but rahter around the blocks from my house. The past coupld of days I have just been sleeping and feel good. Thorugh I wish I could be sleeping right now. THese damn typing errors, urgh!


apriljahns said...

How fortunate that blackberries are in season! Glad this round is going better, or at least is less miserable than last time. : )

Unknown said...

I wish I could be baking You blackberry pies.
Love ya