Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not sure

Today was spent again, laying around. In the afternoon D and I raked some leaves. When I'd get tired, I'd sit and watch him. The tired that happens now a days, is like this..Once I stop moving my heart pumps so hard that I can feel it in all my veins. As if each heart beat causes my whole body to shake. When it starts pumping like that, I stop myself and wait til it subsides. So, we did some yard and I couldn't wear my gardening gloves because they hurt my fingers too much. I cancelled all my massages this weekend and didn't call others that I though I'd get to. I am not sure how I'll feel tomorrow and not sure if my fingers will miraculously stop hurting. The tips of them are double their size and like I've said for a few days in a row now, they hurt. The throb. Going to the bathroom is a chore, and one that is quite difficult. I am just lucky that my toes are not affected. That would suck if I couldn't walk because they were numb and hurting too. I hope this doesn't happen with remaining chemo's.


Tink1272 said...

Uck. I remember how that felt. It's so disconcerting. Just take it easy and remember not to push yourself to hard. If the issues with your fingers doesn't go away by tomorrow, though, I would talk to your doc.

Good luck!

apriljahns said...

Do you know how long it will take for these horrible side effects to go away once you are done with chemo?

Tink1272 said...

Most side effects go away almost as soon as the chemo is done. Some take about a month to cleanse completely out, but there are some that stick around forever. The long term side effects.