Monday, March 15, 2010

My Body...My Book..

This is a simple quick note to you all. I am so loving feeling my body come alive. I have nights that I can sleep, and others..like tonight, that I am so full of joy and excitement for my new life that sleep eludes me. Last night, I slept almost ten hours..
On the 20th, I will be running my first 18 miles. 18 miles is monumental to me. The ones that really pushed me have been 6, 10, 15, and 18 so far. I am excited to feel my body excel and push through its mental barriers.
I am in a true place of gratefulness for cancer, and all of its mysteries and lessons it still is teaching me. About me. Closer to me. Who would have ever thought that an illness makes One Whole?
I guess Dis-Ease is that. Where the body was not harmonious, is where the disease starts. I used to love my "hippie" friends saying that little phrase. It sure did not mean what it means to me now.
Today, on the plane I watched, This Is It, and started making my notes and lists for my book. I guess, I've started it.
I am a little torn on what to do. Many of you have requested I simply publish this blog as is, with adding what I see are "chapter notes" or "quiz like summaries".
On the other hand,
I want to write the book I've always visualized. So, I am going to write my book, and maybe make the blog a free PDF, or something....
Or maybe there are two books.


Emily said...

WooHoo 18!! I'll think of you when I'm out running my nice easy 8(ish) miles.

Gratefulness for cancer...yeah, I'm not there yet.

BethAnne said...

Heather you ROCK... I am so happy you are doing so well!
I think about you often and keep track of how your doing on FB and your Blog...
We are doing well in Ireland loving our new life...
Looks like my cancer maybe back will know more next week...

Take care of yourself... Love,

Anonymous said...

Em! when you do get there, You've got to CALL me! And tell me. Until then, tell me the things that your upset with. That your grieving.

BA!! I too have been thinking of you. Intensely in fact the last couple of weeks. I will never EVER forget the time that "he who will not be mentioned" couldn't bring me to the ER, cuz he had "dinner plans, and a concert to see" and you saw on my blog I was in the ER by myself. You called the ER, found me, and spoke with me on the phone. I was so scared. Hurting so badly. Thank you..so incredibly kind.
You know, this makes me cry right now remembering this. This was a lesson I am grateful for as well. Cancer tore me apart and put me back together. This was one of those times, that I had to surrender. I was in such bad shape, so alone, so much pain. I learned how to receive help. That my friends, was worth it all.

I am sorry to hear your cancer could be back. Please keep me in the know with that. I am so happy you are chasing cows around in Ireland. wink..wink... : )

BTW, do you know how I can reach Nancy from TN? I am starting to worry about her. She isn't on the site anymore. She was such a steadfast person for me.