Sunday, February 22, 2009

I feel fine

I really do, keep that in mind. But..I started to swell again yesterday. I am really bummed about this because just when I have gotten to the lowest dose possible on the steroids my legs are big again. Not huge, but my ankles have disappeared and if I press on my tissue anywhere in my legs all the way to my stomach the inprint is left. I tried calling my Onc last night, but he must be gone for the weekend. Another Onc called that was filling in and he didn't know his ass from the whatever that saying is. He suggested I take a diuretic, but I've been down that road, about two months ago. And I am not going down that road again. So..I have continued taking the med's as my Onc wanted and I will phone him tomorrow.
I hope this isn't a precursor for another bout and hopefully he will be able to "fix" it. Also, I am bummed because I was hoping to start my rads in a few weeks, and who knows hopefully I will.
Besides that, I have been feeling great and walking. I walked yesterday 3 miles, and didn't have to stop to gasp for air!! Gotta go watch the Oscars.

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