Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tears on the Pillow

Last night I cried myself to sleep. I am already tired of being sick. The doc's say that this cellulitis thing isn't common. Hopefully from now on, its a smoother ride. I have been on antibiotics since July 24th. That is upsetting to me, I still have six days of them. I am sick of being in pain. Last night I woke up at four a.m. with my hand pounding, and should have taken a vicodin but I am scared of them, and just took Advil. I am getting sick of taking Advil all day everyday. Sick because I know how bad they are on my little body. Then I start thinking about everything else that I am doing to my body right now and all I can do is cry. I want my old healthy lifestyle back.
I have to remember what my Dad said in the beginning when I told him I didn't want to do chemo, "The alternative sucks." Yes, death would suck, but who really, really knows that that isn't my fate. We all want me to live because of the little hummingbird that I am, but really, who knows. That makes me cry.
Life is so precious. Time is precious. Its hard to go through this as a married woman. My life is coupled with someone that is healthy and hasn't, due to our young age, had to endure death or facing death before. I lost my mom, and in a way this helps me. But D hasn't. He has no clue how I am feeling. He only, and for his sanity he just sees this as a passing thing. He is making his life normal. He is even going to record his album in the middle of me doing chemo. He has to keep his life the way it is. So, when I was saying "we" have cancer, he isn't taking that on. So in a way, I am pretty lonely through this. Its hard. For those of you that haven't gone through this sortof experience you probably don't understand what I am saying.
I am just really sad the past couple of days. I still don't know if I am going to do chemo on Monday. I hope so I just want to do it and get it over with. I was hoping to be done with everything by the New Year, but it doesn't look like it.


tamara said...

hi sweetie.
I'm so sorry it's so hard for you right now. It's totally understandable but it also completely sucks. I'll call later today...maybe we can go sit in the sun or find a beach or something.
love you

Nancy said...

I want to tell you that all will be well, but I cannot begin to imagine what you are feeling deep inside. I am not just referring to the pain you are having with the cellulitis, and having to go through chemo. You need a constant support from D, and he is not able to give that to you. That must be very difficult to accept. In our almost 49 years of married life, my husband and I have always been there for each other, so I cannot relate to what you are experiencing. My heart goes out to you sweetie.

If you don't take the Vicodin, you will continue to be in pain. Your body has to work so much harder to heal when you are in pain. This is a med that you just have to take for a short while.

They say that crying not only cleanses the eyes, but also the soul. Tears are good.

apriljahns said...

Ditto what Nancy said. Think of vicodin as your friend that is helping you through the pain.

Anonymous said...

My name is Marcy Barnes and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vicodin.

I am 23 years old. Have been on Vicodin for 3 months now. Is very relaxing, is the perfect medice for pain and eit calms you and mellows you down the best

I have experienced some of these side effects -
constipation, dependecy, nausea and stomach pain at morning.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Marcy Barnes

Vicodin Prescription Medication