Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pain meds are not my cup of tea

I have never taken Percocet or Vicodin before.  In fact, I have to google their correct spelling to get it right.  I puked and puked yesterday on the percocet.  Horrible stuff.  We switched to vicodin yesterday evening and a half pill did me just fine until this morning at 8.  I tried to not take anything but just a bit ago I had to. I have had an incredibly horrible headache all day and a wee bit of pain.  Since I am doing the fertility shots, I cannot take IBprofren.  I still have a headache but its been dulled by the pain med and reruns of The Bachelorette.  I think DeAnna is going to pick Jason and D thinks she is going to pick the snowboarder dude.  
Since I have the med's in me and my head hurts I am not going to make this a good post.  I just don't feel up to it. AND THE NEWS I HAVE IS INCREDIBLY SHORT AND SWEET!! 

My surgeon just called and said that the 2 sentinel nodes on the first screening came back negative and that the 3rd node they pulled out is negative.  They are doing one other test right now and we might get the results back later today, if not by Monday.  So that means, the Cancer did not move out of my breast and we did catch it early!!  The second part of the good news is that my tumor was smaller than expected.  It was 1.8cm only.  Good good news!  I wonder if I am only a stage one now??  I will find out on the 8th when I meet with my Oncologist.  

Have a good fourth.


shirley nelsen said...

Wow, Heather! Glad you did not have to wait over the long weekend! That is great news. All of it. I'd have to look to be sure, but I think that tumor size puts you in Stage I if you re node negative, and it sure looks like you are going to be! What wonderful news. The world looks much different to you today, I imagine. Glad you bagged the narcotics.

apriljahns said...

Great news. I'm a fan of the narcotics; a little can go a long way. Why not be less miserable? If you take the medicine just as you feel the pain coming on it will help nip the pain in the bud and you can get away with taking less.

Lisa Loop said...

Saying this is great news doesn't really even come close to summarizing the goodness of this last post does it? We will rejoice in this recent information. Lisa & Jack