Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sky High Estrogen Levels

Okay, I am laughing because I feel totally normal.  Totally, 100% normal, but D is loosing his mind with me.  To quote him, "You're driving me crazy."  I told him, "Remember what the doc's said.  I might get really emotional.  And I feel normal, and I think you are being the jerk.  Try to remember what the doc's said, and it will be over in a couple of days."  Folks, I feel like I am being the sweetest person possible.  And my husband is very insensitive.  
To put a framework up for you so you have an idea of my estrogen levels.  The high for a normal cycle is between 400-500.  As of today, around 9 am my level was 1, 638.  Holly shit!  I am so convinced that I am acting and feeling normal that I don't want to say, "Poor D."  Although, maybe I should.  I feel like sleeping on the coach I am so annoyed.  Pretty funny, I guess.  
To give you all a little lesson in IVF, as I just learned what I thought was wrong.  The med's I've been taking are just keeping those eggs alive so that they continue to mature.  What is causing the estrogen levels to sky rocket into, watch out your driving me mad status, are all those 12 eggs that are maturing.  Remember, us girls usually just have one egg that matures and those PMS symptoms are from one egg.  Well, I have 12 eggs that are pumping me full of sweetness, sweet as cherry pie.  I am serious!  I am a joy to be around!!  So, the little follicles, that are holding my eggs are getting bigger and bigger.  
I have one last golden shot remaining.  I get to give it precisely at 9 PM tonight and then no more shots.  This shot, will trigger me (I forgot to ask what that means) and then exactly 35 hours later I will be in the surgery room getting all those eggs out of me.  Thursday morning at 7:30 is when we need to be there.  I can't wait to have this done with.  The IVF stuff has been taking up so much of my time and worry in my head.  I am ready to start focusing on support groups, meeting up with other ladies in my area that are Triple Negatives, and getting my healing together.  
This whole thing of getting sick to get better thing is still very foreign to me.  I look to be the picture of health and it is hard to believe I have cancer.  I have a disease in me that is slowly taking my life from me!  Unbelievable!!  

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Evening Heather,
Thank you for the lesson in IVF. I absolutely did not know this. So, today you are MS. Happy? I was thinking about your entry yesterday, and you said something as to raising twins. (We have twins). Have you seen that show "John and Kate plus 8' on TLC? I can see it all now..."Heather and D plus 3". Guess that happens with IVF? You seem to be in better spirits today. That puts a smile on my face. You will get through this Heather.