Thoughts came to my head as I was under the sheets and I started getting so mad. I understand that anger is a base emotion, and I understand that it is my sadness that is fueling it right now. But if that gene comes back positive and I choose out of sheer statistics to remove my breasts (which is the no brainer choice for MY body, maybe not yours but for mine) and I don't get a chance to nurture a young one in this way, oh. Watch out. I am going to loose my mind. I mean it, loose it. All the things that I have read for years will no longer be possible for me.
I won't be able to give birth and put my baby to my breast and feed the little tiger. I won't be able to feel the benefits of oxytocin being released through my body and getting the baby high from nursing. I won't be able to walk around with a pad in my bra because of the "let down" reaction. I won't feel a "let down". I won't be in the kitchen making muffins and hear my baby cry and have my breast start pumping that milk. I won't have the accidental let down in public if I hear another baby cry. Do you wonder if I really meant it now when I say, " All I've thought about is having a baby." I could be crying over nothing, maybe I won't have that gene. I hope the Genetic Counselor is right this time around, and the other Doc's are wrong. That would be nice. I wonder if I will be able to breast feed with the breast that has cancer in it if I just do the lumpectomy? That sounds like from my ignorance a bad thing. Like a dirty thing that I wouldn't want my precious little one to be near. My breast that had cancer in it. Would there be a transfer of any little particles in the tiniest amount at all?? Not that this is shrouding in the tiniest amount my decision to either do or not do a mastectomy. Because right now I haven't been faced with the genetic answers yet.
As I take in a deep breath, I am breathing in the sun's rays deep into my body and breathing out all this sadness and I am going to go through my day staying in the present moment. All of these fears can stay here. In Wonka Land, up in the " TV Mikey" room of space in the sky. For those of you that haven't watched Willy Wonka as obsessively as I have in my life (maybe 200 times) you have a fun movie to watch tonight!
I love you, Sweetheart...
Sure, anger is a base emotion but it is real. I think that experiencing it is part of being in the moment; you feel it and move on, right? You aren't denying it but you also aren't stoking its fire either.
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